We are thrilled to be attending the Healthy Living & Gluten Free Expo in Salem, Oregon this November 21st. We'll be giving out Free Samples of our GROK Paleo Bars, and will have bars for sale. The event should have close to 3,000 participants and over 100 vendors.
Living with gluten intolerance or any food sensitivity is a real challenge. The team at The Healthy Living and Gluten Free Expo has put together a wonderful group of local and national businesses that want to make life easier for those who live with dietary limitations. This event promises to be fun and informative for anyone who wants to increase their levels of health and life enjoyment.
Many people head into the winter months with the mindset of “It’s okay to overdo it during the holidays, I’ll get healthy in the spring.” The big question is “Why wait to be healthy?” The Healthy Living and Gluten Free Expo will be a high energy event filled with options and products that will help you choose wisely and lead you to the treasure in your quest for good health.
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